Follow along on my misadventures because I’m sure we’re going to royally f**k up something, and it will be fun for a laugh.” They didn’t really have a business plan then, and they still don’t, according to Petroff. Quint posted on Facebook, “I’ve got a big, gay ice cream truck this summer. They came up with the name practically by accident. She put him in touch with some people who rented out Mister Softee trucks, and Quint proposed the idea to Petroff, who thought it sounded like a fine idea. “I was looking at Craigslist for weird opportunities, like to work for a butcher or something like that,” he said, when he saw a friend’s Facebook post about the possibility of renting an ice cream truck for the summer. Quint, a one-time professional bassoonist, wanted to “do something unusual” for the summer of 2009.